Old Piney Poject

In early September, Glen Onoko Estates will be starting the project to address the storm water issues and erosion of Old Piney Road and Broadview Drive.

It is the goal of the board to invest in storm water management to eventually reduce the cost of road maintenance.  The roads in Glen Onoko Estates were assessed by Keystone Engineering Group and recommendations were made on how best to invest in our roads, and one of the key finding was to implement proper storm water management.

In our July meeting, the board voted to proceed with improvements to Old Piney Road.  The project is a system of channels and pipes intended to catch storm water on the high side of Old Piney Rd (the south side) before that water hits the road itself, and deliver that water downhill across Broadview Dr towards CCTI. Water that lands on Old Piney will sheet off to the north side.  This should greatly reduce the water flowing on the north side of the road and move the flow of water to a safe spot where it will no longer erode the edge of Old Piney and Broadview Dr and wash debris into the road.

The project was designed by Keystone Engineering Group in 2022.  Members who attended the 2022 and 2023 member meeting will recall the discussion about the project and the plans provided at the meeting.

The project has been permitted by the Jim Through Borough in 2022.  During the permit process the design was reviewed by the Boroughs engineers. 

After bidding out the work to multiple contractors, the board has selected RS Kuhns Excavation https://kuhnssepticandexcavating.com/,  610-379-0410.  This is the same firm that plows our roads, and Mr Kuhns is a neighbor of GOE.

Project Details:

Project Schedule:

To prevent further erosion, the channels must be seeded and grass must grow before the winter. As such, excavation work is likely to start the second week of September.

A week prior to excavation, the site will be staked and marked by Keystone Engineering Group.

01 - CN-21-119 - Glen Onoko Association - Stormwater Design Plan.pdf
02 - CN-21-119 - Glen Onoko Association - Stormwater Design Plan.pdf